Eco Spheres – A Tool for generative visuals
End of 2021 I had the chance to work for With the slogan “Together we are better!” gives funders and venture groups a physical space to “favour exploration, engagement and peer-to-peer energy to realize digital innovation.” The “Eco System” serves as a network to share and discuss new ideas and is represented as a three dimensional Sphere. Each inhabiting several agents which are moving around within their Eco System.
I used Processing to build a design tool specific to the task of creating this generative visuals. The sketch was layed out to create different media artifacts, varying in type (video and static image) as well as format (Square, FullHD and FullHD-Portrait), from the same script. Simple mouse interactions are used to frame the canvas while the script is running. The composition of the Eco Systems can be randomized on the fly. Adding and deleting some of the Eco Systems is supported as well.
The composition can be rendered as a static image or recorded as an animation in 60 FPS. During export the recording is automatically combined with an audio track created by musician Marius Lallensack, leaving behind a ready-to-use video file to post online.
Final animation directely rendered from Processing. The music is automatically added during export.
Screencapture of the sketch running in Processing.